In the sample-based advanced query, users determine the scope of the eRNA query by determining the sample and genome location for the results of interest.
1) Genomic region: Chromosome,at the start of the chromosome and at the end of the chromosome.
2) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
3) Biosample Type: Biosample type classification of samples.
4) Experiment Type: Select the experiment type of interest.
5) Tissue Type: Select the tissue of interest.
6) Cell Type: Select the cell of interest.
In the eRNA target genes advanced query, users determine the scope of the eRNA query by determining the method and gene name for the results of interest.
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Method: Select the method to find the target gene of eRNA.
3) Genes: Input the genes of interest.
Based on the tissue type and biosample type, users can query eRNA samples associated with a specific tissue type.
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Biosample Type: Biosample type classification of samples.
3) Experiment Type: Select the experiment type of interest.
4) Tissue Type: Select the tissue of interest.
Based on the cell type and biosample type, users can query eRNA samples associated with a specific cell type.
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Biosample Type: Biosample type classification of samples.
3) Experiment Type: Select the experiment type of interest.
4) Cell Type: Select the cell of interest.