External factors: | R1530 |
Aging type: | Accelerate |
Aging characteristic: |
Category: | Chemical compounds |
Phenotype: | Cancer |
Experiment: | SA-β-gal activity assay//BrdU Assay |
Description: | Not all polyploid cells underwent apoptosis in the presence of R1530. A substantial fraction remained viable but stopped replication and acquired a senescence phenotype.The representative cell in the time-lapse sequence ceased to proliferate after one cycle of abortive mitosis/endo-reduplication but continued to grow and nearly tripled its initial size. These morphological changes correlated very well with the decrease in the BrdU labeling index and the kinetics of staining for senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity (SA-β-Gal), the most widely recognized senescence marker11. |
Regulatory pathway: | -- |
R-EF-Pathway: | -- |
Pathway experiment: | -- |
Pathway description: | -- |