
Aging gene   csv   txt   rar  

AgingReG contains 20 columns separated by tab:Description:
PMID The PMID of the article.
Gene name The name of aging-related gene.
Gene ID The gene ID of the aging-related gene.
Category Category of aging-related gene,including protein coding or ncRNA.
Cell name The specific cells used in the aging-related experiments.
Tissue type The specific tissues used in the aging-related experiments.
Phenotype The name of disease or pathological process.
Aging type Accelerate or prevent aging.
Experiment The name of experiment used to confirm the effect of gene on aging.
Description Experimental description of the effect of genes on aging.
Target gene The target gene of aging-related gene confirmed by experiments.
Target gene experiment The name of experiment used to confirm the target gene.
Target gene description Experimental description of how aging genes regulate targets.
R-AG-Target gene Relationships between aging gene and target gene.
Regulatory pathway The regulatory pathway of aging-related gene confirmed by experiments.
Pathway experiment The name of experiment used to confirm the pathway.
Pathway description Experimental description of how aging genes regulate pathways.
R-AG-Pathway Relationships between aging gene and pathway.
Experimental category The experimental category(High throughput+Low throughput or just Low throughput experiments).
Aging characteristic The hallmarks of aging.

External factor csv   txt   rar  

AgingReG contains 19 columns separated by tab:Description:
PMID The PMID of the article.
External factors The name of the external factors that have an effect on aging.
Category Chemical compounds or others.
Cell name The specific cells used in the aging-related experiments.
Tissue type The specific tissues used in the aging-related experiments.
Phenotype The name of disease or pathological process.
Aging type Accelerate or prevent aging.
Experiment The experiments used to confirm the effect on aging.
Description Experimental description of the effect of external factors on aging.
Target gene The target gene confirmed by experiments.
Target gene experiment The name of experiment used to confirm the target gene.
Target gene description Experimental description of the regulation on target gene.
R-EF-Target gene Relationships between external factors and target gene.
Regulatory pathway The regulatory pathway of external factors confirmed by experiments.
Pathway experiment The name of experiment used to confirm the pathway.
Pathway description Experimental description of how external factors regulate pathways.
R-EF-Pathway Relationships between external factors and pathway.
Experimental category The experimental category(High throughput+Low throughput or just Low throughput experiments).
Aging characteristic The hallmarks of aging.

Aging-related pathway csv   txt   rar  

AgingReG contains 11 columns separated by tab:Description:
PMID The PMID of the article.
Pathway name The name of the pathway that have an effect on aging.
Category Pathway.
Cell name The specific cells used in the aging-related experiments.
Tissue type The specific tissues used in the aging-related experiments.
Phenotype The name of disease or pathological process.
Aging type Accelerate or prevent aging.
Experiment The name of experiment used to confirm the effect of the pathway on aging.
Description Experimental description of the effect of pathway on aging.
Experimental category The experimental category(High throughput+Low throughput or just Low throughput experiments).
Aging characteristic The hallmarks of aging.