Aging Overview

External factors

External factors: TPA
Aging type: Prevent
Aging characteristic:
Category: Chemical compounds
Phenotype: Aging
Experimental category: L
Tissue type: --
Cell name: HDF
PMID: 25725291
Experiment: SA-β-gal activity assay//Western blot//Immunostaining//Cell Cell proliferation assay
Description: Nuclear translocation of pErk1/2 by TPA treatment was accompanied with significant reductions of senescence markers in HDF old cells; over 10% decrease of SA-β-gal activity, and 50% decrease of p53 and p21WAF1expressions. Furthermore, treatment of old cells with TPA significantly reduced senescence markers such as PML body formation, and expressions of 53BP1 and H3K9me2,as opposed to no response in young cells;Treatment of HDF mid-old cells with TPA exhibited much more significant cell proliferation than that of the DMSO treated cells.

Regulatory relationship

Target gene: PERK1/2
R-EF-Target gene: --
Official symbol(s): MAPK1
Target gene experiment: Immunocytochemistry
Target gene description: TPA co-treatment further increased the effect of siPEA-15 transfection compared with other treatments.

Regulatory pathway: --
R-EF-Pathway: --
Pathway experiment: --
Pathway description: --

Aging network


The green line represents Upregulation.

The purple line represents Downregulation.

The orange line represents Activation.

The yellow line represents Inhibition.

The gray line represents Unclear.