External factors: | CSE |
Aging type: | Accelerate |
Aging characteristic: |
Category: | Other |
Phenotype: | Aging |
Experiment: | MTT assay//SA-β-gal activity assay |
Description: | To detect the appropriate dose and action time of CSE, the cell survival rate was observed by MTT assays. 16HBE cells were treated with CSE at different doses and time points. The relative cell number was detected to evaluate cell growth. Cell survival rate was inhibited by CSE in a time- and dose-dependent manner. According to the survival curve , considering IC50 and the obvious downward trend, stimulation by 2% CSE for 24 hours could be used in the follow-up experiments.We found SA-β-gal positive cells ratio was obviously increased by CSE stimulation. After adding C. sinensis, the ratio was able to be decreased compared to CSE group. These data indicated that CSE stimulation could induce cellular senescence in human bronchial epithelial cells, and C. sinensis can inhibit the senescence induced by CSE. |
Regulatory pathway: | ROS-PI3K-Akt-mTOR |
R-EF-Pathway: | Activation |
Official symbol(s): | ROS-PI3K-AKT-MTOR |
Pathway experiment: | Western blot |
Pathway description: | The expressions of p-AKT and p-mTOR were promoted by CSE in a time- and dose-dependent manner.mTOR signaling pathway was increased in the CSE group, and decreased when C. sinensis was added.We inhibited ROS with N-acetylcysteine, and ROS generation and cellular senescence induced by CSE was weakened. Activation of mTOR signaling pathway was decreased. |