Aging Overview

External factors

External factors: Butylidenephthalide
Aging type: Accelerate
Aging characteristic:
Category: Chemical compounds
Phenotype: Brain tumor
Experimental category: L
Tissue type: --
Cell name: GBM8401
PMID: 24464249
Experiment: Western blot//SA-β-gal activity assay
Description: We found that the senescence-associated proteins Rb, p19, and p16 were upregulated after BP treatment.Indeed, the staining intensity of GBM8401 cells was 30 % on BP 133 μM and 43 % on BP 267 μM. It showed a dose-dependent manner cellular senescence after BP treatments.

Regulatory relationship

Target gene: SKP2
R-EF-Target gene: Downregulation
Official symbol(s): SKP2
Target gene experiment: Western blot//RT-PCR
Target gene description: In the result, we found expression of Skp2 protein decreased in three GBM cell lines after BP treatment. In addition, GBM 8401, the highest Skp2 expression cell line, decreases in Skp2 protein expression and was dependent on both time and BP concentration.Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that tumor tissues from mice treated with BP showed downregulation of Skp2 expression and upregulation of p21 and p27.

Regulatory pathway: --
R-EF-Pathway: --
Pathway experiment: --
Pathway description: --

Aging network


The green line represents Upregulation.

The purple line represents Downregulation.

The orange line represents Activation.

The yellow line represents Inhibition.

The gray line represents Unclear.