Aging Overview

External factors

External factors: 4-hydroxynonenal
Aging type: Accelerate
Aging characteristic:
Category: Chemical compounds
Phenotype: Aging
Experimental category: L
Tissue type: --
Cell name: VEC
PMID: 25754218
Experiment: SA-β-gal activity assay//Cell morphological analysis
Description: Treatment with 10 lM 4-HNE increased the proportion of senescent cells, demonstrated by cellular enlargement and positive staining for SA-β-gal .

Regulatory relationship

Target gene: TXNIP//PPARD
R-EF-Target gene: Upregulation//Activation
Official symbol(s): TXNIP//PPARD
Target gene experiment: Western blot
Target gene description: We found increased TXNIP expression in VEC incubated with 10 lM 4-HNE for 7 days.TXNIP expression was increased in VEC co-cultured with foam-cells. The 4-HNE scavenger FL926-A16 decreased TXNIP expression in VEC co-cultured with foam cells.The selective PPARd antagonist GSK0660 abolished 4-HNE effects on the expression of the different senescence markers and prevented the upregulation of TXNIP.

Regulatory pathway: --
R-EF-Pathway: --
Pathway experiment: --
Pathway description: --

Aging network


The green line represents Upregulation.

The purple line represents Downregulation.

The orange line represents Activation.

The yellow line represents Inhibition.

The gray line represents Unclear.