External factors: | HIV Tat |
Aging type: | Accelerate |
Aging characteristic: |
Category: | Other |
Phenotype: | Aging |
Experiment: | Western blot |
Description: | Expression levels of GFAP(astrocyte activation as an indicator of aging) were significantly increased with aging in the both the WT and Tg rats. |
Target gene: | SIRT1//MIR-34A//MIR-138 |
R-EF-Target gene: | Downregulation//Upregulation//Upregulation |
Official symbol(s): | SIRT1//MIR-34A//MIR-138 |
Target gene experiment: | Western blot//qRT-PCR |
Target gene description: | A significant decrease in SIRT1 protein content was detected in both A172 and human primary astrocytes following stimulation with HIV Tat;And in keeping with the in vivo data, there was increased expression of miRs-34a & -138 in the both cell line and primary astrocytes treated with HIV Tat compared with untreated control cells. |
Regulatory pathway: | NF-κB |
R-EF-Pathway: | Upregulation |
Official symbol(s): | NFKB1 |
Pathway experiment: | Western blot |
Pathway description: | Pretreatment of A172 cells with Ikk-2 inhibitor SC514 (5 μM) significantly decreased HIV Tat-mediated induction of GFAP.This was further confirmed by the fact that transfection of A172 cells with mutant IκB resulted in amelioration of HIV Tat-mediated induction of GFAP . |