Gene name: | ID4 |
Aging type: | Accelerate |
Aging characteristic: | Others |
Tissue type: | -- |
Cell name: | DU 145 |
Gene ID: | 3400 |
Category: | protein coding |
Phenotype: | Prostate cancer |
Experimental category: | L |
PMID: | 24122992 |
Experiment: | SA-β-gal activity assay//Western blot//Immunostaining |
Description: | Enlarged morphology and accumulation of cytoplasmic aggregates were observed in DU145+Id4 cells as compared to DU145 cells,indicative of senescence.An increase in senescence associated beta-galactosidase (SA-βgal) staining suggested that ectopic expression of Id4 in DU145 cells promotes senescence at a higher frequency than in un-transfected DU145 cells.Immunocytochemical analysis shown clearly indicate that Id4 up-regulates G1 cell- cycle regulators p21 and p2, as compared to DU145 cells. We also observed an increased p16 expression at protein and transcript levels in DU145+Id4 cells, compared to DU145 cells but its functional relevance in DU145 cells with respect to senescence remains obscure. |
Target gene: | E2F1 |
Official symbol(s): | E2F1 |
R-AG-Target gene: | Downregulation |
Subcategory: | Unclear |
Target gene experiment: | Western blot |
Target gene description: | At 10 nm, a significant increase in senescence was not observed in DU145 cells. The basal (0 h) E2F1 expression was significantly lower in DU145+Id4 cells as compared to DU145 cells whereas E2F1 expression was almost undetectable in DU145+Id4 cells at subsequent time points. |
Regulatory pathway: | -- |
R-AG-Pathway: | -- |
Pathway experiment: | -- |
Pathway description: | -- |
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