Gene name: | BCL6 |
Aging type: | Prevent |
Aging characteristic: | Others |
Tissue type: | -- |
Cell name: | MEF |
Experiment: | Survival curve |
Description: | Importantly, when expressed in primary MEFs of FVB genetic background (at 37°C), BCL6 was very efficient in inhibiting both spontaneous senescence and premature senescence induced by a RASV12oncogene . |
Target gene: | CYCLIN D1 |
Official symbol(s): | CYCLIN D1 |
R-AG-Target gene: | Upregulation |
Subcategory: | Unclear |
Target gene experiment: | Western blot |
Target gene description: | The cyclin D1 protein level is up-regulated by BCL6 in three different cell types.This up-regulation of cyclin D1 is at the level of transcription, as cyclin D1 mRNA was also increased by BCL6 in MEFs. |
Regulatory pathway: | -- |
R-AG-Pathway: | -- |
Pathway experiment: | -- |
Pathway description: | -- |
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