Aging Overview

Aging gene

Gene name: SIRT6
Aging type: Prevent
Aging characteristic:
Tissue type: --
Cell name: Primary human keratinocyte
Gene ID: 51548
Category: protein coding
Phenotype: Aging
Experimental category: HL
PMID: 19135889
Experiment: Knockdown//SA-β-gal activity assay//Western blot
Description: SIRT6 knockdown significantly increased senescence of primary keratinocytes,and this effect was reversed by depletion of RELA by RNAi.

Regulatory relationship

Target gene: H3K9
Official symbol(s): EHMT1
R-AG-Target gene: --
Subcategory: Unclear
Target gene experiment: CHIP//Western blot
Target gene description: ChIP analysis revealed that H3K9 acetylation is induced following TNF-a treatment in SIRT6-proficient control cells at the promoters of multiple NF-kB target genes, consistent with transcriptional induction. In cells depleted of SIRT6, H3K9 was hyperacetylated at these promoters in response to TNF-a.

Regulatory pathway: NF-κB
R-AG-Pathway: Downregulation
Official symbol(s): NFKB1
Pathway experiment: Luciferase reporter assay//Knockdown
Pathway description: SIRT6 depletion led to constitutive NF-kB reporter gene activity, which, upon TNF-a treatment,was further enhanced to levels considerably higher than in SIRT6-proficient control cells .

Aging network


The green line represents Upregulation.

The purple line represents Downregulation.

The orange line represents Activation.

The yellow line represents Inhibition.

The gray line represents Unclear.

Pathway view

About risk SNP and eQTL

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