Gene name: | SETD1A |
Aging type: | Prevent |
Aging characteristic: |
Tissue type: | -- |
Cell name: | MDA-MB-231 |
Experiment: | Cell proliferation assay//SA-β-gal activity assay//Knockdown |
Description: | Remarkably, knockdown of SETD1A(SETD1A-KD) suppresses proliferation and triggers prompt (72h) and massive cellular senescence, with very large cells expressing characteristic ?-galactosidase (?-gal) activity. |
Target gene: | SKP2 |
Official symbol(s): | SKP2 |
R-AG-Target gene: | -- |
Subcategory: | Methylation |
Target gene experiment: | Western blot//qPCR//SA-β-gal activity assay |
Target gene description: | We first confirmed that endogenous SKP2 mRNA and protein are indeed suppressed in MDA-MB-231 cells following SETD1A-KD:taining for ?-Galactosidase shows that induction of SKP2 partially suppressed the emergence of ?-Gal-positive senescent cells by 50% following SETD1A-KD. |
Regulatory pathway: | -- |
R-AG-Pathway: | -- |
Pathway experiment: | -- |
Pathway description: | -- |
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