Aging Overview

Aging gene

Gene name: RCC1
Aging type: Prevent
Aging characteristic:
Tissue type: --
Cell name: hTERT-RPE1
Gene ID: 1104
Category: protein coding
Phenotype: Aging
Experimental category: L
PMID: 26864624
Experiment: SA-β-gal activity assay//Immunoblotting
Description: In contrast, SABG-negative and proliferating cells gradually prevailed in the hTERT-RPE1RCC1-V5 cultures, concomitant with increased interphase and mitotic markers and the decline in cyclin D1 expression.

Regulatory pathway: --
R-AG-Pathway: --
Pathway experiment: --
Pathway description: --

Aging network


The green line represents Upregulation.

The purple line represents Downregulation.

The orange line represents Activation.

The yellow line represents Inhibition.

The gray line represents Unclear.

About risk SNP and eQTL

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