Gene name: | YAP1 |
Aging type: | Prevent |
Aging characteristic: |
Tissue type: | -- |
Cell name: | h-PDLSC |
Experiment: | SA-β-gal activity assay |
Description: | Staining results showed that the OE YAP group had a lower senescence rate than the OE NC group (P<0.01), which indicates that activated YAP postponed the senescence of h-PDLSCs. |
Target gene: | CDK6//CYCLIN B1//P18//P27 |
Official symbol(s): | CDK6//CYCLIN B1//CDKN2C//P27 |
R-AG-Target gene: | Upregulation//Upregulation//Downregulation//Downregulation |
Subcategory: | Unclear |
Target gene experiment: | Western blot |
Target gene description: | In Western blotting, cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (CDK6) and cyclin B1 were upregulated, while CDK inhibitors P18 and P27 were downregulated when YAP was overexpressed. |
Regulatory pathway: | ERK |
R-AG-Pathway: | Upregulation |
Official symbol(s): | MAPK1 |
Pathway experiment: | Western blot |
Pathway description: | The expression of P-Msk1, which can phosphorylate ERK, increased when YAP was overexpressed. At the same time, the protein levels of P-ERK1/2 and its target proteins P-P90RSK and P-Msk1 increased in the OE YAP group. |
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