Gene name: | MYC |
Aging type: | Prevent |
Aging characteristic: |
Tissue type: | -- |
Cell name: | TRE293 |
Experiment: | Western blot//SA-β-gal activity assay |
Description: | TRE293 cells treated with c-Myc shRNA demonstrated significant changes in senescence and induced the p53/p21CIP1 pathway. |
Target gene: | BAG2 |
Official symbol(s): | BAG2 |
R-AG-Target gene: | Downregulation |
Subcategory: | Unclear |
Target gene experiment: | Western blot//BrdU assay//SA-β-gal activity assay |
Target gene description: | In cells that demonstrated high levels of BAG2 in response to SP1 over-expression, transfection of c-Myc was shown to abrogate the BAG2 mRNA levels in a concentrationdependent manner. |
Regulatory pathway: | P53-P21 |
R-AG-Pathway: | Upregulation |
Official symbol(s): | TP53-CDKN1A |
Pathway experiment: | Western blot |
Pathway description: | TRE293 cells treated with c-Myc shRNA demonstrated significant changes in senescence and induced the p53/p21CIP1 pathway. |
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