1) Species: Select human or mouse.
2) TcoF name: Only TcoF can be supported.
Users input a genomic position and TcoFBase will identify TcoF regions overlapping with the submitted region.
1) Species: Select human or mouse.
2) Chromosome: Chromosome.
3) Start position: TcoFs binding to the genomic regions is at the start of the chromosome.
4) End position: TcoFs binding to the genomic regions is at the end of the chromosome.
Users submit a gene name and TcoFBase will identify TcoFs associated with it via relationships between the TcoFs and associated genes, which are identified under different methods.
1) Species: Select human or mouse.
2) Method: Rose genemapper, BETA, GEINE3, ARANCe, Cruated and All. The default strategy: All.
3) Gene symbol: Only gene symbol can be supported.
1) Species: Select human or mouse.
2) TF family: Only TF family can be supported.