Based on the species and tissue type, users can query single cell data associated with a specific tissue type.
Parameter explanation:
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Tissue type: Select the tissue of interest.
Users select species,Reference geneset and cell type of interest, SCInter will display cell type-related dataset information.
Parameter explanation:
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Reference geneset:
Homo sapiens: Five built-in reference genesets.
Mus musculus: Two built-in reference genesets.
3) Cell type: Cell type of interest.
Users submit a cell marker name and SCInter will find all relevant samples about this marker.
Parameter explanation:
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Markers name: Only cell markers can be supported.
Based on the species and disease type, users can query single cell data associated with a specific disease type.
Parameter explanation:
1) Species: Select Homo sapiens or Mus musculus.
2) Disease type: Select the disease of interest.