About Enhancer

Enhancer ID: E_02_0922
Species: mouse
Position : chr19:10215891-10216703
Biosample name:
Experiment class : Low throughput
Enhancer type: Enhancer
Disease: --
Pubmed ID:  24204311
Enhancer experiment: ChIP,Luciferase Reporter Assay,EMSA,qPCR
Enhancer experiment description: Considering the large number of potential Sox binding sites and the low predictive power of their presence, we decided to assess regulatory potential and Sox10-responsiveness of the ECR in luciferase assays.To verify that Sox10 is bound to ECR9 in OL we next performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments. Some were clustered so that eight oligonucleotides were sufficient to cover all sites in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA).

About Target gene

Target gene : Myrf(6030439E18,Gm1804,Gm98,Mrf)
Strong evidence: --
Less strong evidence: Immunoprecipitation
Target gene experiment description: To address this issue we performed immunoprecipitation experiments with anti-Sox10 antibodies on extracts of the OL-like OLN93 cell line.

About TF

TF name : Sox10(DOM,PCWH,WS2E,WS4,WS4C)
TF experiment: ChIP
TF experiment description: To verify that Sox10 is bound to ECR9 in OL we next performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments.

About Function

Enhancer function : --
Enhancer function experiment: --
Enhancer function
experiment description:

About SNP

SNP ID: --

Upstream Pathway Annotation of TF

GeneName Pathway Name Source Gene Number
Sox10 Hs_Neural_Crest_Differentiation_WP2064_79263 wikipathways 40

Enhancer associated network

The number on yellow line represents the distance between enhancer and target gene

Expression of target genes for the enhancer

Enhancer associated SNPs