Gene GO_Trem Identifier
Uchl5 cytoplasm GO:0005737
Uchl5 cytosol GO:0005829
Uchl5 cytosolic proteasome complex GO:0031597
Uchl5 Ino80 complex GO:0031011
Uchl5 mitochondrion GO:0005739
Uchl5 nucleoplasm GO:0005654
Uchl5 nucleus GO:0005634
Uchl5 endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO:0004866
Uchl5 proteasome binding GO:0070628
Uchl5 thiol-dependent ubiquitin-specific protease activity GO:0004843
Uchl5 DNA recombination GO:0006310
Uchl5 DNA repair GO:0006281
Uchl5 forebrain morphogenesis GO:0048853
Uchl5 lateral ventricle development GO:0021670
Uchl5 midbrain development GO:0030901
Uchl5 negative regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process GO:0032435
Uchl5 protein deubiquitination GO:0016579
Uchl5 regulation of proteasomal protein catabolic process GO:0061136
Uchl5 ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process GO:0006511