Promoter region SNP position SNP ID Gene Disease Type P-value Source
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222732656 rs4481859 TAF1A Response to taxane treatment (placlitaxel) intron 0.000943 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222733971 rs10495194 TAF1A Response to taxane treatment (placlitaxel) intron 8.2e-05 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222751791 rs2936032 TAF1A Alcohol dependence intron 5.4e-05 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222759007 rs3008647 TAF1A Response to taxane treatment (placlitaxel) intron 0.000127 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222762128 rs17464836 TAF1A Smoking quantity intron 9.68e-05 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222762709 rs17464857 TAF1A Multiple complex diseases intron 1.4e-05 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222762709 rs17464857 TAF1A Response to taxane treatment (placlitaxel) intron 0.000912 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222762709 rs17464857 TAF1A Coronary artery disease with myocardial infarction intron 0.000877 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222762773 rs2936041 TAF1A Response to taxane treatment (placlitaxel) intron 0.000103 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222762958 rs17511318 TAF1A Response to taxane treatment (placlitaxel) intron 0.000912 GWASdb
chr1:222731244-222763275 chr1:222750009 rs6683071 FAM177B Cognitive performance missense_variant 4e-06 GWAS_Catalog