Rsid Chr Position P value Ref Alt Gwas trait Gene symbol Variant type PMID
rs9912468 chr17 64318357 0.00000001 G C Ventricular conduction PRKCA intron 21076409
rs17634425 chr17 64384076 0.000145 A G Pancreatic cancer PRKCA intron pha002874
rs4417581 chr17 64400808 0.0000254 T G Cortisol secretion,in saliva PRKCA intron 21316860
rs4790911 chr17 64410915 0.0000827 T C Meningococcal disease PRKCA intron 20694013
rs4790911 chr17 64410915 0.000018 T C Cortisol secretion,in saliva PRKCA intron 21316860
rs16959238 chr17 64419349 0.000654 G A Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis PRKCA intron 17362836
rs16959238 chr17 64419349 0.0006 G A Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (childhood) PRKCA intron 20189245
rs16959238 chr17 64419349 0.0000651 G A Biliary atresia PRKCA intron 20460270
rs973753 chr17 64428682 0.0000473 C T Alcohol dependence PRKCA intron 20201924
rs973753 chr17 64428682 0.0000142 C T Cortisol secretion,in saliva PRKCA intron 21316860
rs973753 chr17 64428682 0.0000473 C T Alcoholism PRKCA intron pha002891
rs7405806 chr17 64431594 0.000667 C A Parkinson's disease PRKCA intron 17052657
rs7405806 chr17 64431594 0.000587 C A Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis PRKCA intron 17362836
rs11079657 chr17 64432066 0.000572 A G Alcohol dependence PRKCA intron 20201924
rs7207499 chr17 64447165 0.000005 G A Post-traumatic stress disorder (asjusted for relatedness) PRKCA intron 23726511
rs11653643 chr17 64515731 0.00000316 C A Coronary artery calcification PRKCA intron 23870195
rs11651708 chr17 64517313 0.000003 T A Coronary artery calcification PRKCA intron 23870195
rs6504441 chr17 64529642 0.00000106 C T Longevity PRKCA intron 21612516
rs9303509 chr17 64530887 0.00000891 C A Coronary artery calcification PRKCA intron 23870195
rs11656279 chr17 64538464 0.0000112 T C Sudden cardiac arrest PRKCA intron 21658281
rs1533344 chr17 64545563 0.00000072 C T Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs8069859 chr17 64574582 0.00044 C G Alzheimer's disease PRKCA intron 17998437
rs8069859 chr17 64574582 0.000252 C G Blood pressure (response to calcium channel blocker) PRKCA intron 24192120
rs41493450 chr17 64578937 0.0000379 G C Blood pressure (response to calcium channel blocker) PRKCA intron 24192120
rs8072741 chr17 64578951 0.00002 A C Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs9646428 chr17 64582011 0.000025 A G Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs9897094 chr17 64601791 0.000019 A G Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs10451280 chr17 64621079 0.0000016 G C Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs9915719 chr17 64650126 0.000687 T C Alzheimer's disease PRKCA intron 17998437
rs9911259 chr17 64654915 0.000044 C A Type 2 diabetes PRKCA intron 17463248
rs16959880 chr17 64655066 0.000043 A G Type 2 diabetes PRKCA intron 17463248
rs8077110 chr17 64656587 0.000043 A G Type 2 diabetes PRKCA intron 17463248
rs1024740 chr17 64657690 0.000043 C G Type 2 diabetes PRKCA intron 17463248
rs7207345 chr17 64663285 0.000075 T C Type 2 diabetes PRKCA intron 17463248
rs7207345 chr17 64663285 0.000243 T C Alzheimer's disease PRKCA intron 17998437
rs16960077 chr17 64701909 0.000446 A G Alzheimer's disease PRKCA intron 17998437
rs10491200 chr17 64703877 0.0000836 C T Biliary atresia PRKCA intron 20460270
rs9894916 chr17 64708396 0.0000215 T C Cholesterol PRKCA intron pha003073
rs9894916 chr17 64708396 0.0000369 T C ldl cholesterol PRKCA intron pha003076
rs9894916 chr17 64708396 0.0000255 T C Cholesterol PRKCA intron pha003078
rs8081512 chr17 64708866 0.000307 A G Osteoarthritis PRKCA intron 19508968
rs7501721 chr17 64714579 0.0000697 C T Epilepsy (remission after treatment) PRKCA intron 23962720
rs16960114 chr17 64716626 0.000843 T C Type 2 diabetes PRKCA intron 17463246
rs9303511 chr17 64727631 0.00079 C T Volumetric brain MRI PRKCA intron 17903297
rs9911416 chr17 64734203 0.000707 G T Multiple complex diseases PRKCA intron 17554300
rs3803820 chr17 64738297 0.000236 A G Colorectal cancer PRKCA intron 22532847
rs4644888 chr17 64745690 0.000018 C T Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs4644888 chr17 64745690 0.0000225 C T Tunica Media PRKCA intron pha003038
rs4381631 chr17 64766443 0.0000000058 T G Urinary metabolites PRKCA intron 21572414
rs3889237 chr17 64779430 0.00000003 G T Height PRKCA intron 22021425
rs4791040 chr17 64787573 0.0000000619 T C Response to diuretic therapy in hypertension PRKCA intron 23753411
rs16960228 chr17 64788827 0.0000000603 G A Response to diuretic therapy in hypertension PRKCA intron 23753411
rs4254365 chr17 64793333 0.00000467 T G Height PRKCA intron 22021425