Rsid Chr Position P value Ref Alt Gwas trait Gene symbol Variant type PMID
rs1628924 chr11 22717120 0.0000225 T C Adverse response to chemotherapy (neutropenia/leucopenia) (all antimetabolite drugs) GAS2 intron 23648065
rs337454 chr11 22729464 0.0000281 A G Adverse response to chemotherapy (neutropenia/leucopenia) (all antimetabolite drugs) GAS2 intron 23648065
rs440991 chr11 22730694 0.0000282 A G Adverse response to chemotherapy (neutropenia/leucopenia) (all antimetabolite drugs) GAS2 intron 23648065
rs12224489 chr11 22737700 0.000652 A C Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026751 chr11 22745557 0.000644 C T Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026752 chr11 22745733 0.00064 A C Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026754 chr11 22748368 0.000639 T C Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026755 chr11 22749310 0.000641 G A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs10833804 chr11 22752092 0.0000325 G A Serum metabolites GAS2 intron 19043545
rs11026758 chr11 22753580 0.000613 C T Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026759 chr11 22753686 0.000537 G A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026761 chr11 22754681 0.000539 C A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs7111726 chr11 22757025 0.000538 T A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs12420811 chr11 22757079 0.000538 G A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs7934119 chr11 22759168 0.000538 A G Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026763 chr11 22762542 0.000541 A G Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026764 chr11 22763911 0.000536 G A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs10833806 chr11 22777654 0.000483 A G Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026771 chr11 22780093 0.000594 A C Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs10734321 chr11 22786413 0.000359 G A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs11026778 chr11 22788717 0.000628 A C Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs12225923 chr11 22788879 0.000346 C T Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs12226338 chr11 22789765 0.000604 G A Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs17306216 chr11 22791250 0.000355 T G Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs17306223 chr11 22792091 0.000579 C T Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs10500941 chr11 22793130 0.000575 A G Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs1499242 chr11 22793809 0.000812 T G Endometrial cancer GAS2 intron 24096698
rs17234098 chr11 22797177 0.000615 A C Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs17306251 chr11 22803448 0.000613 A G Suicide attempts in bipolar disorder GAS2 intron 21423239
rs7129006 chr11 22803712 0.0000461 G A Parkinson's disease GAS2 intron 21812969
rs16910190 chr11 22828606 0.000405 T G Lung function (forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity) GAS2 intron 24023788
rs7111546 chr11 22829757 0.000002 C T Dialysis-related mortality GAS2 intron 21546767