Rsid Chr Position P value Ref Alt Gwas trait Gene symbol Variant type PMID
rs17563 chr14 54417522 0.00036 A G Primary tooth development (number of teeth) BMP4 missense 23704328
rs17563 chr14 54417522 9e-17 A G Primary tooth development (time to first tooth eruption) BMP4 missense 23704328
rs2071047 chr14 54418411 0.000351 G A Abdominal aortic aneurysm BMP4 intron 22055160
rs35107139 chr14 54419106 0.000139 A C Colorectal cancer BMP4 intron 24737748
rs2761887 chr14 54425052 0.000017 C A Urinary metabolites BMP4 nearGene-5 21572414