Rsid Chr Position P value Ref Alt Gwas trait Gene symbol Variant type PMID
rs16825455 chr1 21837755 0.000009 A G Adverse response to chemotherapy (neutropenia/leucopenia) (all platinum-based drugs) ALPL intron 23648065
rs7535497 chr1 21840709 0.000643 T G Type 2 diabetes ALPL intron 17463246
rs7523855 chr1 21840886 0.000604 C T Type 2 diabetes ALPL intron 17463246
rs1890431 chr1 21852078 0.0000648 C T Tunica Media ALPL intron pha003036
rs1697414 chr1 21874996 0.000698 T A Multiple complex diseases ALPL intron 17554300
rs885814 chr1 21875916 0.000006 C T Response to TNF-alpha inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis ALPL intron 22569225
rs885813 chr1 21877074 0.0000349 C T Lactate dehydrogenase levels ALPL intron 20981236
rs3767155 chr1 21885195 0.000309 C T Alzheimer's disease ALPL intron 24755620
rs1767429 chr1 21889340 0.000193 A G Alzheimer's disease ALPL intron 24755620
rs1256335 chr1 21890386 0.000000000000001 G A Folate pathway vitamin levels ALPL intron 19744961
rs3738097 chr1 21894816 0.000986 T C Type 2 diabetes ALPL intron 17463246
rs3767142 chr1 21901558 0.000327 G A Alzheimer's disease ALPL intron 24755620
rs2242420 chr1 21904529 0.0000000000005 C T Blood cell counts and other traits ALPL UTR-3 20139978
rs2242420 chr1 21904529 0.000000000000508 C T Blood cell counts and other traits ALPL UTR-3 20139978